domenica 12 novembre 2017

Obsolete Capitalism Sound System •• Chaos Sive Natura •• Pt. XI Zabriskie Point (Dancing Colors Variation) •• Rizosfera/The Strong of the Future, SF011.eng, 2017

Obsolete Capitalism Sound System
Chaos Sive Natura
Zabriskie Point (Dancing Colors Variation)
In A Thousand Plateaus Deleuze and Guattari introduce a concept of Rhythm different from Nietzsche's. In the pages of Capitalism and Schizophrenia, the god of rhythms is substituted by the dreadful god of the Rhythm, the god of Chaos. It is important to start from the idea of Chaos as introduced in A Thousand Plateaus, in particular in the chapter entitled 1837: On the refrain. Deleuze and Guattari describe it as follows: "Sometimes chaos is an immense black hole in which one endeavors to fix a fragile point as a center. Sometimes one organizes around that point a calm and stable "pace" (rather than a form): the black hole has become a home. Sometimes one grafts onto that pace a breakaway from the black hole. Paul Klee presented these three aspects, and their interlinkage, in a most profound way. He calls the black hole a"gray point" for pictorial reasons. The gray point starts out as nonlocalizable, nondimensional chaos, the force of chaos, a tangled bundle of aberrant lines.”
The «gray spatiality» is then indistinguishable, untraceable, a point-form cacophony and chaos a clot of forces crossing colossal abstractions. More radically, Deleuze and Guattari say: “Chaos is not the opposite of rhythm, but the milieu of all milieus” and “What chaos and rhythm have in common is the in-between—between two milieus, rhythm-chaos or the chaosmos

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